YM Trading Hours
#YM Trading Hours |
Instrument |
Description |
Start Trading date |
Closing Only open positions Date |
Forced closing of all open positions (expiration date) |
#YMZ0 |
Mini-sized Dow Futures December 10 |
15.09.2010 |
15.12.2010 |
17.12.2010 |
#YMH1 |
Mini-sized Dow Futures March 11 |
15.12.2010 |
16.03.2011 |
18.03.2011 |
#YMM1 |
Mini-sized Dow Futures June 11 |
16.03.2011 |
15.06.2011 |
17.06.2011 |
#YMU1 |
Mini-sized Dow Futures September 11 |
15.06.2011 |
14.09.2011 |
16.09.2011 |
#YMZ1 |
Mini-sized Dow Futures December 11 |
14.09.2011 |
14.12.2011 |
16.12.2011 |
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