– Glossary
- Accrual
- Adjustable Peg
- Adjustment
- Agent Bank
- Aggregate Demand
- Aggregate Risk
- Aggregate Supply
- Agio
- American-Style Option
- Appreciation
- Arbitrage
- Aroon
- Ascending Trend Channel
- Ascending Triangle
- Ask
- Ask Rate
- Asset Allocation
- Asset Class
- At Best
- At or Better
- Aussie
- Authorised Dealer
- Automated Dealer
- Average Directional Index (ADX)
- Average True Range (ATR)
- Back Office
- Back Testing
- Balance of Payments
- Band
- Bank Line
- Bank Rate
- Base Currency
- Basis
- Basis Point
- Basis Trading
- Basket
- Bear
- Bear Market
- Bearish
- Bearish credit spread
- Beta
- Bid
- Bid price
- Bid/Ask quote
- Bid/Ask spread
- Black-Scholes formula
- Bollinger Bands
- Book
- Breakeven point
- Bretton Woods
- Broker
- Bull
- Bull Market
- Bullish
- Bullish credit spread
- Bullish debit spread
- Bundesbank
- Butterfly spread
- Buy Signal
- Buy to close
- Buy to open
- Cable
- Calendar spread
- Call
- Call Rate
- Call ratio backspread
- Called away
- Candlestick Chart
- Capital
- Capital Risk
- Carry
- Carry Trade
- Carry Trade
- Cash
- Cash Delivery
- Cash Market
- Cash settlement option
- Central Bank
- Central Rate
- Chartist
- Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT)
- Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE)
- Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)
- Class of options
- Clean Float
- Clearinghouse
- Closeout date
- Closing price
- Closing purchase (buy to close)
- Closing sale (sell to close)
- Collar
- Combination (position)
- Commission
- Confirmation
- Confirmation statement
- Consensus estimate
- Contingency order
- Contract
- Contract
- Contract size
- Contrarian theory
- Conversion
- Convertible Currency
- Convexity
- Copey
- Correspondent Bank
- Counter Parties
- Country Risk
- Cover
- Covered call writing
- Crawling Peg
- Credit Risk
- Credit spread
- Cross Rate
- Currency Pair
- Currency Risk
- Currency Swap
- Currency Swaption
- Currency Warrant
- Day order
- Day Trader
- Day trader
- Deal Ticket
- Debit spread
- Deep discount broker
- Deep in the money
- Deep out of the money
- Deflator
- Delivery Date
- Delivery Risk
- Delta (also \"neutral hedge ratio\")
- Delta hedging
- Depreciation
- Derivative security
- Desk
- Details
- Devaluation
- Diagonal spread
- Direct Quotation
- Directional Movement Indicator (DMI)
- Dirty Float
- Discount broker
- Diversification
- Dividend
- Doji
- Double top
- Downtrend
- Easing
- Economic Indicator
- Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)
- Entry Limit
- Entry Stop
- Equity options
- European-Style Option
- Exchange
- Exchange Control
- Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
- Execution
- Exercise
- Exercise price
- Exotic Currency
- Expectational Analysis
- Expiration
- Expiration calendar
- Expiration cycle
- Expiration date
- Expiration Friday
- Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
- Exposure
- Far out of the money.
- Fast Market
- Fed Fund Rate
- Federal Reserve (Fed)
- Fibonacci Numbers
- Fill
- Fill or kill order
- Fisher Effect
- Fixed Exchange Rate
- Flat price risk
- Flat/Square
- Flexible Exchange Rate
- Float
- Floating Rate Interest
- Foreign currency option
- Foreign Exchange
- Foreign Exchange Swap
- Forex
- Forex Club
- Forward
- Forward Margins
- Forward Outright
- Forward price
- Forward Rate
- Free market price
- Free Reserves
- Front Office
- Full fungibility
- Full-service broker
- Fundamental analysis
- Fundamental Analysis
- Fundamental beta
- Fundamentals
- FX
- G10
- G7
- Gap
- Gearing
- Globex
- Going Long
- Going Short
- Gold Standard
- Golden Cross
- Goldilocks Economy
- Good Until Cancelled
- Good-Till-Cancelled Order
- Grid
- Grid Trading
- Gross Domestic Product
- Gross National Product
- Handle
- Hard Currency
- Head and Shoulders
- Head and Shoulders Bottom
- Head and Shoulders Top
- Hedge
- Hedge Fund
- Hedged portfolio
- Hedged Position
- Hedging
- High/Low
- Historical volatility
- Hit The Bid
- Holder
- Horizontal spread
- If Done Order
- Implied Rates
- Implied volatility
- In the money
- Index
- Index fund
- Index option
- Indicative Quote
- Inflation
- Initial Margin
- Initial public offering (IPO)
- Inter-Bank Market
- Inter-Bank Rates
- Interest Arbitrage
- Interest Parity
- Interest Rate Swaps
- Internationalization
- Internet broker
- Intervention
- Intraday Insights (\"Market Observations\")
- Intrinsic value
- Lambda
- Last sale price
- Last trading day
- Leading Indicators
- Leading Indicators
- Left Hand Side
- Leverage
- Liability
- Limit Order
- Limit Price
- Limited risk
- Line Chart
- Liquid or liquidity
- Liquidation
- Listed options
- Long
- Long position
- Longer-term option
- Loonie
- Lots
- MACD Histogram
- Maintenance Margin
- Make a Market
- Managed Float
- Margin
- Margin Call
- Margin requirement (for options)
- Mark To Market
- Market maker
- Market Observation
- Market Order
- Market Recap
- Market timing
- Married Put
- Maturity date
- Micro Economics
- Mid-Price or Middle Rate
- Minimum Price Fluctuation
- Momentum
- Monetary Base
- Money market fund
- Moving average
- Multiply listed options
- Mutual fund inflows/outflows
- Naked call writing
- Naked put writing
- Nasdaq-100 Trust (QQQ, or \"cubes\")
- Nasdaq-100 Trust Volatility Index (QQV)
- NAV Effect
- Negative Carry Pairs
- Net Interest Rate Differential
- Net Position
- Neutral hedge ratio
- Neutral spread
- New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
- News Trader
- No-load mutual fund
- Nominal price (or \"nominal quotation\")
- O.C.O. Order
- Odd Lot
- Offer
- Offering price
- Offset
- On the money
- Open interest
- Open Interest Configuration
- Open Position
- Opening price
- Opening purchase (buy to open)
- Opening sale (sell to open)
- Opportunity cost
- Option
- Option contract
- Option exchange
- Option price
- Option pricing model
- Option spread
- Option writing
- Options Clearing Corporation (OCC)
- Options specialized broker
- Order
- Order
- Oscillator
- Oscillators
- Out of the money
- Over The Counter (OTC)
- Overbought
- Overbought/oversold
- Overnight
- Overnight Limit
- Oversold
- Pacific Stock Exchange
- Par
- Parities
- Pegged
- Philadelphia Stock Exchange
- Pip (or Points)
- Political Risk
- Position
- Premium
- Price
- Principals
- Profit Taking
- Put
- Put ratio backspread
- Put Writing (or “Put Selling”) -
- Put/call ratio
- Qualified audit report
- Quarter days
- Quick assets
- Quick ratio
- Quotation
- Quote
- Quote Currency
- Quote-driven market
- Quoted company
- Rally
- Range
- Rate
- Reaction
- Reciprocal Currency
- Regression channels
- Resistance
- Resistance
- Resistance Point or Level
- Return if called
- Revaluation
- Reversal Pattern
- RFQ (Request For Quote)
- Rho
- Risk Capital
- Risk Management
- Risk Position
- Risk-to-Reward Ratio
- Rolling out
- Rolling up
- Rollover
- Round Trip
- Rydex Nova/Ursa Ratio
- Rydex OTC/Arktos Ratio
- S&P 100 Index (OEX)
- S&P 500 Index (SPX)
- Same Day Transaction
- Scalping
- Schaeffer´ s Put/Call Open Interest Ratio (SOIR)
- Security Deposit
- Sell Signal
- Sell to open
- Selling Rate
- Sentiment
- Sentiment analysis
- Series
- Settlement
- Settlement Date
- Settlement Risk
- Short
- Short interest
- Short position
- Short seller
- Short squeeze
- Short-interest ratio
- Short-life option
- Short-Term Interest Rates
- Sidelined
- Signal Line
- Simple Average
- Slippage
- Soft Market
- SPDR (“Spyders”)
- Specialist
- Spot
- Spot Next
- Spread
- Square
- Squawk Box
- Squeeze
- Standard
- Sterilization
- Sterling
- Stochastic Oscillator
- StochRSI
- Stock split
- Stocky
- Stop Loss Order
- Straddle
- Strangle
- Strike price
- Support
- Swap
- Swap Price
- Swissy
- Symmetrical Triangle
- Systematic risk
- Target exit point
- Technical Analysis
- Technical Correction
- Theoretical value
- Theta
- Thin Market
- Tick
- Tick
- Time decay
- Time erosion
- Time premium
- Time stop
- Time value
- Tomorrow to Next
- Trade Date
- Tradeable Amount
- Trader
- Trading capital
- Trading floor
- Trailing Stop
- Transaction
- Transaction Date
- Trend
- Trendlines
- Truncated risk
- Two-Way Price
- Type
- Uncovered
- Uncovered call options
- Uncovered put options
- Underlying stock or security
- Unit of trading
- Unlimited liability
- Unlisted securities
- Unquoted company
- Unquoted securities
- Unrealized
- Unrealized profit
- Unsecured
- Unsystematic risk
- Up Tick
- Upgrade
- US Prime Rate
- Value Date
- Value Spot
- Variation Margin
- Vega
- Vertical Debit Spread
- VIX (also \"CBOE Market Volatility Index\")
- Volatility
- Volume
- Vostro Account
- Wash Trade
- Wasting asset
- Weighted Average
- Weighted average
- Weighted average cost of capital
- Whipsaw
- Working Day
- Yard
- Yield
- Yield curve
- Yield gap
- Yield to redemption
- Zero
- Zero-coupon bond
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