The Spaniards prefer instead bailout,would ask for ECB help
“The only growth mechanism announced by the central bank could be considered “- the Helsinki Sanomatnak Rajoy said. It is conceivable that the nation-wide call for rescue package “- said the business newspaper Kauppalehti.Mario Draghi, President of the ECB on 6 September announced the organization’s new bond purchase program, under which no upper limit to buy the troubled euro zone states kötvényeiből. The sterilized, primarily focused on 1-3 year maturity securities purchases on condition that the Member State so request and are valid to judge a strict conditionalities European rescue package. Mariano Rajoy, said the government will closely examine under what conditions coupled with the ECB’s program, but I do not accept that other steps to reject the budget. “I’m ready to cut the deficit, but others can not tell you how this will proceed,” – said the Minister.